
My name is Natasha Barr and I am the creator of Caretently Health Communications.

I am an experienced medical writer, translator and content creator with a passion for helping the rare disease community reach their goals.

Caretently is the combination of the words CARE and conTENT (plus an “ly” for a little added sparkle!) as it reflects my promise to put care into any work I do.

I have had the chance to work with the rare disease community for more than 10 years and to witness their passion and determination for the cause despite the many challenges they face. One of the common issues experienced by many rare disease structures is a lack of human resources. This causes teams  to be  overwhelmed and unable to produce/disseminate all the valuable content that they could do if properly supported.

This is where I can help! I will be your extra set of hands for a one-time project or on a regular basis in order to assist your team in producing valuable content that is adapted to either patients, healthcare professionals or the general public.

Connect with me on LinkedIn:

I am bilingual in English and French (oui, oui, je parle le français), have an in-depth knowledge of the rare disease ecosystem and I am well versed in medical terminology.

I am also an expert communicator and can help you improve your reach and engagement through creative content.

Natasha Barr medical writer and health communications

Think of me as a multicolour pen, with each colour representing a different type of service which I can offer!

I have a wide variety of skills in writing and communication which I have acquired from working in small teams where there is the constant need to adapt and master new techniques and abilities. Writing, translation, transcreation, editing, transcription, creation of various forms of content: I can do it all!

I have had the chance to work for both Orphanet, the portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs, as well as VASCERN, the ERN on rare multisystemic vascular diseases, and I truly love working for the rare disease community. You should also know that I am a science nerd and love reading and learning about rare diseases and the current research in the field.

Caring is something that comes naturally to me (my love language is “acts of service”) and I will bring that care into any project that I work on. 

Don’t hesitate to contact me to talk about your current needs. Chances are I will be able to help you!

My Values

Quality > Quantity

I was always taught that a job worth doing is worth doing well, so you can rest assured that I will give my 110% on any project. Expect a polished final product that reflects the importance of your work.

Your passion = mine

I will bring enthusiasm and care to the communication services offered as supporting the rare disease community is a passion we share!

Reliability and respect is key

Once we have agreed to work together you can rely on me to deliver the final product on time. I value and respect my clients and I expect that same level of respect in return.

Customer service with a smile

Maybe it’s because I’m Canadian, but excellent customer service is one of my top priorities and making you happy is my ultimate goal. 

Ready to get in touch?