Legal notice and privacy policy

In accordance with the provisions of Article 6 III-1 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on trust in the digital economy, we inform you that this site (hereinafter “the Site”) is the exclusive property of CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS:

Natasha Barr

Individual business

SIRET: 797 626 405 00022

Publishing Director: Natasha Barr

The Site is hosted by : LWS, 10 Rue de Penthièvre, 75008 Paris

Any natural or legal person accessing the Site is hereinafter referred to as the “Internet User”.

Any individual or legal entity making a purchase on the Site is hereinafter referred to as “the Customer”.

Notice concerning the use of cookies

The purpose of this section ” Notice concerning the use of cookies ” is to inform the Internet user about the processing of navigation data collected during the visit to from any device, in particular: computer, tablet, Smartphone.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file transferred from a web server to a Site user’s web browser or hard drive when they visit a website. If the user’s web browser is set to accept cookies, they will be stored in the browser or on the user’s hard drive until the expiration date has passed or until the user deletes the cookies themselves.

What cookies are collected?

Cookies are used to improve the browsing experience, to make statistics, to keep information about the constitution of the basket and its validation, and to facilitate the connection to the account when the user clicks on “Remember me”.

Cookies – with the exception of those strictly necessary for navigation on the Site – are only collected after the Internet user has given his consent by continuing to navigate on the Site.

The cookies that are strictly necessary for navigation on the Site relate to basic services and functions, such as adding products to the shopping cart.

The Site collects other types of cookies:

– Performance cookies, which collect anonymous data about the User’s navigation. Their purpose is to improve the functioning of the Site.

There are internal cookies (created by the Site) and third-party cookies (created by another site).

Use and setting of cookies

No information relating to banking details is kept by cookies. No information can be used to promote offers and products that are not related to the CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS brand.

In addition, the information stored by the cookies is not disclosed to third parties under any circumstances. It is intended solely for use by CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS, with the exception of advertising cookies and social cookies, which are third-party cookies intended for partners.

The data obtained through cookies is kept for a period of 13 months.

The User can manage cookies from his device. He can choose to delete them. This deletion may have an effect on navigation, the purchasing process or even the connection to the account. CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS cannot in this case be held responsible for the malfunctioning of the Site or the degradation of its functionality.

Information on the use of personal data

The purpose of this section “Information on the use of personal data” is to inform the Internet user about the collection and processing of his personal data.

What is personal data?

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual: surname, first name, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.

Identity of the data controller

Personal data are collected by (CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS, SIRET: 797 626 405 00022,

Personal data collected

CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS may collect: surname, first name, e-mail address, browsing data, preferences and interests.

The Internet user undertakes to provide verifiable, sincere and undamaged information.

The data collected is kept by CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS for a period of 13 months from the last voluntary and positive act on his part: click on a link in a newsletter or last purchase. However, personal data may be kept for a longer period of time in accordance with a legal obligation or for statistical purposes, but always in compliance with the national and European regulations in force.

European data protection regulations allow CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS to use Customer or Internet user personal data if CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS has a reliable legal basis.

Thus, to process the personal data of Customers or Internet users, CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS relies, depending on the case, on

– on the consent of the persons concerned,

– when it is necessary for the execution of a contract, such as the processing of a web order,

– when it is necessary to respect a legal obligation such as the conservation of invoices.

Purpose of the processing

The data collected by CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS allows, depending on the case (to be modified if necessary) :

– The management of the commercial relationship between the Customer and CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS

– The sending of commercial offers

Data Security

CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS takes all the technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection, the confidentiality and the safety of the data which were transmitted to him by any Internet user or Customer, and this in the respect of the applicable legal provisions.

Rights of the Internet user

In accordance with national and European legislation in force (in particular Articles 14 to 22 of the GDPR 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, the Internet user has a right of access, modification, rectification, limitation, opposition, portability and deletion of personal data concerning him/her, with CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS.

To exercise his rights, the Internet user can:

Contact CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS using the contact form available on the “Contact” page.

Intellectual Property rights

The content, photos and texts, that appear or are available on the Site, are protected by intellectual property rights and are the exclusive property of CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS. As such, you agree not to copy, translate, reproduce, sell, publish, exploit and distribute the contents of the Site protected by intellectual property law, without prior written permission of CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS.

The logos present on the website are, except in special cases, the property of CARETENTLY HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS. Unless prior written authorization is given, the Internet user is forbidden to use them.